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Wei Ting Chen was born in Tainan, Taiwan. He spent his childhood on cartooning, and he liked to draw with poem. In Fu Jen University, he majored in Chinese Literature and started to write poems. He read Roland L. Bachmann's concept of fragment. Roland's work is composed of fragments. When readers read his works, they need to put together his thoughts. For Chen, he thinks that the writing is a slice of life, and writing poems has become another way of making a drawing.


His works are mostly paintings with acrylic and oil pastel, often accompanied by poems that correspond to the visual parts and provide a hint. He always thinks that his works are showing the differences between children and adults. He also works with different medias, such as video art, performance, and sculpture. Those year he exhibited overseas such as New York, Beijing, Hongkong, Japan and so on. Some works can be found in the collection of Lih-pao Cultural Arts Foundation. 

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